Why is Business Acumen Essential for Sales Professionals?
Be a partner, not a salesman. Business Acumen is essential to not only make more money, but to be seen as a trusted partner.
Balance Sheets - What are They and How are They Used?
Balance sheets are full of useful information for all stakeholders of an organization. We'll help you understand it, to make the most of it.
Corporate Training - Why a Simulation is NOT the Best Training Option for Business Acumen
Simulations can be fun, but are they good for your business acumen and corporate training? We don't think so! Learn more about why.
Adapt to the Market With Corporate Agility
To stay competitive in business, your company must have the ability to adapt to changing markets with corporate agility!
Defining and Explaining Equity, and What it Means for an Organization
Equity is a word that is used frequently when discussing the financial strength of an organization. But, what does it mean? Learn more!
Business Acumen Can Be Exciting...See How!
Business and financial acumen isn't an easy subject to understand. Luckily, we've found a way to simplify it, and make it easy to grasp!
Frequently Used Financial Acronyms
Finance is complicated, especially when you consider the acronyms and abbreviations used. We'll help you demystify some commonly used terms!
Why Business Acumen is Key to Sales Success
To succeed in sales, you need to be more than just a salesperson - you need to be a trusted partner. Business acumen is the key to this!
Can I Benefit from Stronger Business Acumen?
Who benefits from strong business acumen? The answer is - everyone. Business acumen is essential for all roles - see why!
How To Ground Our Sales Teams in Business Acumen
While a salesperson makes their money off selling and getting commissions, it can be hard to take away from their precious time of...
Determining What Sales Training Program is Right for Your Team!
There are thousands of different sales training out there - how do you select the right one for your sales team?
Questions are Crucial to the Sales Process
A huge mistake in sales is not knowing or understanding the problems that your client is trying to solve. Business acumen can help!
Use Working Capital to Optimize your Business Acumen Skills
Working Capital, net working capital, or NWC — are all words for the difference between a company’s current assets and current...
Examples of Strong Business Acumen
Business acumen is essential in all businesses, so what are some examples of strong business acumen? We'll share!
Navigating Change with Business Acumen
Navigating change is scary, and something that needs to be done well. Business acumen is essential to ensure this happens!
Business Acumen Skills for Managers & Leaders
Business acumen is an essential skill for managers and business leaders. They need to be able to speak to every person in their organization
Defining and Explaining the Income Statement or P&L
Income statements or P&L's can be confusing. Using business acumen, we'll walk you through the meaning and description of a P&L.
The Difference Between Sales Acumen and Business Acumen
What is the difference between sales acumen and business acumen? The answer is that one is more tactical and one is more strategic.
How Business Acumen Impacts Sales Success
Business acumen is key to success as a sales person because their job is to work with and understand people and their business.
Explanation of an Annual Report and How It's Read
Annual reports can be long and scary - but with business acumen, we'll help you make easy work of reading and understanding them.