Help your teams master business acu​men
Business is complicated. Acumen Learning knows that to engage an entire workforce, you need to empower and teach each individual their impact. That's why we commit to knowing your company's needs and helping every employee know their importance in the big picture.
Whether you’re expanding your business acumen or increasing leadership skills, we'll partner with you and cater a solution that expands your people's capabilities. We’re committed to your business's success.

Years of Experience
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Fortune 50 Clients Served
There's only one #1 Wall Street Journal and New York Times bestseller dedicated to the subject of business acumen – we wrote it.
Called an MBA in under 180 pages, Seeing the Big Picture captures the basic principles of our customized business acumen training.

Is our solution the best?
Why not have our internal finance team teach business acumen?
It's hard to find someone who is financially savvy and also a good instructor. We know this from experience – our hardest hires are facilitators. If you have this rare talent, they've likely risen through the ranks of your company and are managing a team or working tirelessly on important projects. Effectively teaching strategy, finance, and business acumen is our business – it's all that we do. We've labored over instructional design best practices, written a best selling book, created business models, tools, resources, and follow up solutions to ensure we're providing a tremendous experience and value for our clients.
Why not a business acumen training game?
Instead of dumbing down your business and spending valuable time teaching people how to play a board game, we teach people substantive things – a deeper understanding of how their company makes money and the skills needed to play a more meaningful role in that money making process throughout their career.
Why not a SIM?
By their very nature, simulations focus learners on concepts and ideas that have been programmatically set, and the richness of the sim is dependent upon how many variables have been developed. If there’s not enough variables then the experience is going to be rudimentary at best and you simply won’t produce a measurable behavioral impact.
If we need to discuss a particular role and how it impacts your business, we can do that. If we need to play through how a real project will impact the top and bottom lines, we can go there – because we’re not bound by the dictates of a simulation.
"I attended the class with the hopes of learning about our business generically. What I received is how our products, culture, communication, and business impact our strategy on a micro and macro level. I endorse the class so much that I think it should be mandatory for all associates."